6 pack abs in 6 weeks with Weider training program

5 min read
6 pack abs in 6 weeks with Weider training program
Photo by Charles Gaudreault / Unsplash


Weider 6 pack Program is perfect for building strong core and real abs with 6 simple exercises.

This easy training programm has many advantages.

  1. It's perfect for beginners and for experts – exercises are easy and begin with the basic level, so every beginner can use them but they get more complicated pretty fast so advanced sportsmen can also be interested in them.
  2. It helps not only carve your muscles but also burn fat – during the exercise you not only use your abdominal rectus but you also move your legs and arms. It is also because W6 puts pressure on the number of repetitions. It carves your muscles but also burns fat. You can train W6 for about 40 minutes without taking any breaks – you use up all glycogen in blood and start burning the fat.
  3. It is easy – it is a really easy training set which you can train almost anywhere. All you need is flat ground.
  4. It gives excellent results – if you want to have a dream 6 pack abs W6 is designed just for you. You can see the first effects after just a week and after a whole series it is really impressive.

Let's get sweaty!

Lay flat on the ground on your workout mat, hands along the body.

1 – exercise 1

  1. Lift your right leg and bend your knee to right angle angle
  2. Lift your upper torso to contract abdominal muscles and hold the lifted knee with your hands.
  3. Hold still for 3 seconds.
  4. Return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the exercise with the other leg

2 – exercise 2

  1. Lift both legs and bend your knees to right angle
  2. Lift your upper torso to contract abdominal muscles and hold both knees
  3. Hold still for 3 seconds
  4. Return to the starting position

3 – exercise 3

  1. Lift your right leg and bend your knee to right angle angle
  2. Lift your upper torso to contract abdominal muscles and lift your hands gently to the temple
  3. Hold still for 3 seconds
  4. Return to the starting position
  5. Repeat the exercise with the other leg

4 – exercise 4

  1. Lift both legs and bend your knees to right angle
  2. Lift your upper torso to contract abdominal muscles and lift your hands gently to the temple
  3. Hold still for 3 seconds
  4. Return to the starting position

5 – exercise 5

  1. Lift your upper torso to contract abdominal muscles and lift your hands gently to the temple
  2. Hold this position and do bike kick - swing forward left and right leg in turns - 5 to 20 kicks depending on your physical condition.
  3. Return to the starting position

6 – exercise 6

  1. Lift your upper torso to contract abdominal muscles and lift both your legs straight and touch your knees with your hands
  2. Hold still for 3 seconds
  3. Return to the starting position

Training schedule


In this schedule:

  • 1 series means doing all six exercises one after another.
  • 1 series means doing all the repetitions provided for a given day (for example: in day 6 we do 3 seriers with 6 repetitions each, so we do 18 repetitions in total: 6 repetitions in first series, 6 in the second and 6 in the third).

Save this image to have the program righ in your pocket

Additional Information

Breaks between series

It is good to take a 30-60 seconds break between series. During the break it is best to relax for a moment, catch a breath and stretch abs by doing a „seal” (lay flat on the ground on your stomach and lift the upper part of your torso on your arms, bend backwards).

Duration of the training

As you will soon notice – with every cycle the Weider 6 Pack Training can become very time-consuming. Optimal time set for this training is about 30-40 minutes. If you reach this time and still won't be on day 42nd of the schedule try to speed up a little to fit in 30-40 minutes.
40 minutes of training is really enough. Your abs will look perfect.

Don't train directly after eating

Training after eating is not recommended. Abdominal muscles when working hard can put a pressure on the stomach and intestines which can cause problems with digesting and induce sickness.
It is better to wait at least 1-2 hours after a meal to start training.

If you won't make it

If the schedule for a given day will prove too difficult for you don't worry – the schedule suggested by us is rather exacting. Just do as many series as you can. Try and try again. With every day passing and another training behind you, you will get stronger and stronger and eventually you will make it.
It really doesn't matter how much time it will take you to reach the last day in the schedule. The most important thing is to train regularly and really put your heart into it – you will carve the muscles and you stomach will be flat.

Don't be afraid to take a break

If you over-train yourself, more training will only make you worse. When you feel that you are over-training yourself – your muscles are sore and the training starts to fell like a torture then take a break. A day or two or even a whole week if you need. It will help you regain energy. Such a break from time to time is really helpful. Some people even say that when training W6 it is recommended to choose one day during the week when you don't exercise at all.

Lets get shredded! 💪

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